

London, United Kingdom
Friday, May 5, 2006

We arrived in London at 5.30am (midday body time) and picked up the hire car and set off for Canterbury to stay with my girlfriend. First priority was to get some coffee into me to prevent me succumbing to jetlag. We stopped at a service station and here discovered the largest coffee cup I had ever seen - two handles no less! Unfortunately the quality of the coffee was not so impressive.

We made good time to Canterbury and only had to circumnavigate it twice and ask for directions once before we found Naomi's place. She and her hubby Alberto and their energetic toddler Noah, live not far from the centre of town in a quaint Tudor cottage. (the house was around when Henry VIII was King and perhaps he traveled right past the door on his way to Canterbury Cathedral.)
Unfortunately, Naomi et al wouldn't be home from work until about 4pm which was rather fortunate really; if we had been within cooee of a bed then we would have crashed out and thrown our body clocks way out of whack for the next few days. Instead we decided to explore the town on foot and perhaps visit the cathedral. This exploration was done in a bit of a haze and not even more coffee could shake the fuzzy headed feeling.

One of my memories as a nine year old was the "leaning house of Canterbury" with a black front door that had been cut as a rhombus to accommodate the lean. I tracked it down in the back streets and although the door was now red I was still very impressed that the house was still standing. We arrived at the cathedral at the same time as 200 French school children and choose to give it a miss until it was less crowded. We were told of a pub which had a free hotspot so we camped out there for the next three hours eating nachos and the BOSS caught up with all her mates in Australia.

At Naomi's we had a very welcome shower and a nap and caught up with all the news since I had last seen her ten years ago. We lasted till 11pm before crashing for a solid nights sleep.

At least one of us is cute
At least one of us is cute
Free Internet
Free Internet
Now that's what I call a cup of coffee
Now that's what I call a cup of coffee
The Leaning House of Canterbury
The Leaning House of Canterbury
The Red Door
The Red Door
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