

Sharpthorne, England
Friday, August 17, 2012

I have self-diagnosed tonsillitis, as the bug has not progressed to my nose or lungs and turned into a cold. I've still got a slight fever and a few dizzy spells at times but have rallied sufficiently to throw the ball for the dog.

I am supposed to be in Hampshire with the Horizon's Unlimited mob but unless I am significantly better in the morning, I shall be giving it a miss.

One job I am not looking forward to is repacking all my gear into one 20kg bag ready for the flight home. I came over with 32kg (because I travelled Business Class) and I have since acquired a helmet and a few souvenirs - so it looks like Ruth and Rick might be inheriting a lot of "stuff".

I dropped in at the repair shop and they can't do the weld on Henry's exhaust till next week - so I shall just have to ride him all week and pretend he sounds like a Ducati.

Sarah helping me wash the tent
Sarah helping me wash the tent
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